In this presentation Dr. Orsini offers a single solution for the two most important topics in medicine: patient experience and professional burnout.
Professional burnout and staff turnover have caused a major crisis in healthcare. Physicians have the highest suicide rate of any profession, affecting over 900,000 patients per year. Declining employee engagement and nursing turnover significantly affect the bottom line and result in poor clinical outcomes.
In this engaging lecture, Dr. Orsini discusses how healthcare executives can help staff improve job satisfaction by creating a culture that encourages strong relationships with patients and fellow team members. Described as inspirational, this presentation will inject a new enthusiasm into your physicians and staff and remind them why they chose medicine in the first place.
Understand the relationship between patient experience and staff well-being
Recognize the signs of professional burnout and debunk the various myths regarding this important subject
Learn why strong communication and relationship building is good for both patients and staff
Discover how to revitalize your staff’s enthusiasm for medicine and reduce burnout
Significantly improve net margins by improving patient experience and reducing employee turnover