Difficult Conversations Podcast

Lessons I Learned as an ICU Physician

Episode 160 | November 30, 2021

Leadership From The Boardroom

Stuart Levine

Chairman and CEO of Stuart Levine and Associates

Stuart Levine

Welcome to Difficult Conversations with Dr. Anthony Orsini. Today, my guest is Stuart Levine, who is the Chairman of the Board and CEO for STUART LEVINE & ASSOCIATES. He was the former CEO of Dale Carnegie & Associates. Stuart is an international best-selling author of three books, The Six Fundamentals of Success and Cut to the Chase, and the co-author of the international bestseller The Leader in You. Stuart has been delivering speeches around the globe for over twenty years on the subjects of leadership, change management, and organizational transformation. He is a sought-after commentator on TV, print, and social media. Stuart also has extensive experience in healthcare leadership and his experience in business and healthcare make him uniquely qualified to speak to us today about these important topics.

Stuart talks about different types of leadership, why command and control didn’t work then, and doesn’t work now. Dr. Orsini brings up a talk he recently did on physician burnout. Stuart shares his thoughts on bringing back autonomy to the doctors and why it’s so important to keep physicians in the loop of the business of healthcare. Stuart tells us about one of the key components that does not get enough attention, and that is “we share learning together.” He elaborates on the one thing his experience in healthcare taught him which is perspective and shares a touching story that truly elevated him as a human being. Dr. Orsini sheds light on the importance of how the human connection improves healthcare, and Stuart touches on understanding cultural issues and why data is so important. Find out Stuart’s perspective on leaders and why the most important thing in leadership is communication. We hear some great advice if you’re interviewing someone for a job and how you can tell if a person is willing to learn. If you enjoyed this podcast, please go ahead and hit subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

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