Difficult Conversations Podcast

Lessons I Learned as an ICU Physician

Episode 122 | December 15, 2020

Achieving Excellence In Healthcare

Quint Studer

Founder of The Studer Group

Quint Studer

Welcome to Difficult Conversations with Dr. Anthony Orsini. Today, It’s my incredible honor to have as my guest, Quint Studer. He is a businessman, visionary, entrepreneur, and a natural mentor to many. He’s worked with individuals at all levels of leadership and across a variety of industries to help them become better leaders and create high performing organizations. You will learn about Quint’s gift for translating complex leadership and business strategies into simple behaviors that allow long-term success and profitability. Quint is a teacher at heart and began his leadership journey teaching special needs children, He has held several leadership roles in healthcare including President of Baptist Hospital in Pensacola, Florida, leading that organization to the top 1 % of hospitals nationwide in both patient and employee satisfaction. In 2000, Quint formed the Studer Group and put patient experience on the map by connecting patient care and customer service. He has authored nine books, including The Busy Leaders Handbook and Results That Last. Both reached number five on Wall Street Journal’s bestseller list.

Quint tells us that one of the greatest gifts he’s ever had was becoming a special education teacher. He shares a story how patient experience changed his career. He makes a point to discuss the difference between stress and trauma. Quint commends Dr. Orsini for teaching doctors how to have uncomfortable conversations with patients. Dr. Orsini discusses Quint’s latest book, The Busy Leader’s Handbook. In his book, Quint talks about 2 key characteristics of a good leader: humility and self-awareness. Quint talks about one of the biggest challenges in healthcare. Dr. Orsini shares great advice to “watch the good guy.” We end with Quint sharing stories and advice about learning how to say thank you and how important it is to know how to break bad news and have difficult conversations with people today. If you enjoyed this podcast, please hit the subscribe button to find out more about what we do and how we teach communication.

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