Breaking Bad News®

Although most physicians are required to deliver tragic news during their careers, few have received any formal training in this important skill. Even the most senior physicians associate delivering tragic news with anxiety and uncertainty. Business managers and leaders are also frequently faced with the task of delivering bad news to employees and are frequently ill- equipped to navigate these conversations.

This presentation will teach the necessary communication techniques that help deliver bad news to patients and employees in the most compassionate manner. Dr. Orsini shares his decades of experience as an award-winning neonatal intensive care physician to leave medical providers, HR and business executives with “life-changing advice” that they will use for the rest of their careers.

Target Audiences

  • Physicians
  • HR Executives
  • Executive Leadership
  • Pharma
  • Medical Malpractice Execs

Learning Objectives

Learn the 3 goals of Breaking Bad News®

Master the principles of the BBN P.R.O.G.R.A.M.® roadmap

Obtain key verbal and non-verbal techniques that convey compassion, build confidence and establish trust